We have a problem with the interpretation of the information necessary to apply for this credit. Credit requirement explain that I have to meet one of the following:
Air handlers that supply at least 60% of the total supply air volume used within the project scope.
Mechanical equipment that provides at least 60% of the cooling or heating capacity for the project scope.
In our case, we have 7 WSHPs (all of them part of the scope of work) which none of them supply more of the 60% of the total air/cooling of the space. All WSHPs comply with the efficiencies listed on CPG.
Can we apply for the first 5 points of the credit?
Thanks in advance.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
July 11, 2016 - 11:22 am
Could you cite the source of the 60% credit requirement? It is not in the credit language. I could not find it in the Reference Guide. Let me know specifically where this is listed as a requirement.
Maria Isabel Conde
OwnerAqua Terra (Panama) S.A.
7 thumbs up
July 12, 2016 - 12:04 pm
Hi Marcus,
It is not in the credit language or in the reference guide. It was told in the ADDENDA 10134, which is write above in the Bird´s eye view:
A typical HVAC installation in an office fit-out has a minimal scope. Often the base building’s mechanical systems supply the space with heating and cooling and ventilation air. What is left to the fit-out team is the distribution system which includes diffusers, VAV boxes, and controls. In LEED Interpretation #10134, issued on 11/1/11, USGBC clarified the level of HVAC equipment that must be installed to make a LEED-CI or LEED-Retail-CI project eligible for EAc1.3, Option 1, as being one of the following:
Air handlers with Variable Speed Controls complying with the requirements of the Core Performance Guide Section 3.10 that supply at least 60% of the total supply air volume used within the project scope.
Mechanical equipment that complies with the prescriptive efficiency requirements of the Core Performance Guide Section 2.9, and provides at least 60% of the cooling or heating capacity for the project scope.
The project can comply with the requirements of the credit if the project team can show that the relevant criteria have been met for all HVAC systems serving the area within the project scope, whether or not the HVAC systems are installed as part of the tenant scope of work.
We have this doubt with the interpretation because in a past project the reviewer gave us a review who mention exactly the same paragraph of the addenda 10134.
Thanks in advance.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
July 12, 2016 - 12:15 pm
What this means is that in total the equipment within the scope of the CI project must exceed 60% of either the supply air volume or heating/cooling capacity. It does not mean that any one piece of equipment must be greater than 60%. In your case if the total of all 7 WSHPs meet the 60% criteria then you could qualify.It sounds like this was designed to prevent a CI project with a very limited HVAC scope from earning this credit.
Maria Isabel Conde
OwnerAqua Terra (Panama) S.A.
7 thumbs up
July 12, 2016 - 2:45 pm
Thanks for the reply Marcus.