Hello, I am attempting to achieve option one of the MRc2 credit meaning we need a total of 20 products from 5 different manufacturers. I noticed the point calculation difference between generic and product specific EPD's. My question is if we have an EPD that states multiple products which it applies to, would that be considered a product specific EPD or a generic? From my research I have found both generic EPD's and product specific, but I have also come across some manufacturers who have one EPD for multiple ( yet similar) products.
Example: Roppe has an EPD for rubber base and accessories (pinnacle, pinnacle plus, and alpha base). Would this EPD be product specific or considered generic?
Paula Melton
Editorial DirectorBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
183 thumbs up
September 16, 2019 - 3:24 pm
Hi, Caitlin! Confusingly enough, an EPD can be for multiple similar products from the same manufacturer and still count as a "product-specific" EPD. A generic, or industry-wide, EPD is one that is released by multiple manufacturers, often through a trade association, to publish the average footprint of the entire industry. Does that make sense?
Caitlin Hutton
September 16, 2019 - 3:32 pm
Thank you, Paula! This has been great help.
Van Jomel Garcia
Sustainability EngineerEcosolutions
5 thumbs up
June 10, 2021 - 4:52 am
Hi, Paula! Does it mean that a company-specific EPD counts as product spefic reviewed EPD?
Bipin Karki
Sustainability Project Manager87 thumbs up
June 10, 2021 - 7:28 am
Hello Van,
The EPD that conforms to ISO 14025, 14040, 14044, and EN 15804 or ISO 21930 and has at least a cradle-to-gate scope, and verified externally are counted as product-specific Type III External EPD, which are valued 1.0 products for v4 credit and 1.5 products for v4.1 credit. Hope this answers your questions!