Dear Leeduser Forum :-)
I'm working on a commercial interiors project that I hope can acheive the EP points. But, I'm still not sure about some of the criteria descriptions and how to document them. The project is located in a downtown urban area - for the 2nd set of criteria, what exactly would "human activity" and "objects at least 70% from exterior glazing" include?
For all 4 sets of crtieria, what kind of documentation is required, other than the "Table" provided on the Online Form? Also, would I need to provide separate sets of floor plans that are specifically designated for each set of criteria (which would be similar to the basic uploads for achieving the minimum credit)? Also again, for the "view factor" criteria , I was thinking of providing a rubric photo-sample from our project space that follow the Heschong-Mahone Group Study to support this EP credit - would this be okay...?
I had not seen any conversations that could help me, let me know if I may have overlooked any important threads. Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
April 22, 2011 - 6:40 pm
Gail, I have not heard of a lot of projects documenting EP for this credit, and with those who have done so, it seems to bring up just the sort of challenges you are facing. I have looked around before and not found expert resources who were on top of these questions.Please post back here to share your knowledge as you go!
Lauren Fakhoury
Research Assistant85 thumbs up
August 12, 2011 - 9:08 am
Hi Gail,
I am in the process of documenting this credit for the first time as well. Have you looked at the LEED Online form yet? It says you can either submit separate floor plans for each measure or submit them all in one drawing. I'm doing them separately to make it easier. For the first measure I drew multiple view lines to show which areas have them and hatched the areas that did not have multiple view lines. For the second measure I plan on doing the same, keeping the initial view lines and then just hatching the areas that don't have views to human activity, vegetation, etc. I'm hoping this will be enough to show compliance!
For the actual definition of human activity, I think it just means you have a view of people walking/doing things outside?? I'm not quite sure and the reference guide doesn't have a clear definition. Also it says "70 feet from exterior glazing" not "70% of exterior glazing" which probably means you need to be able to see objects 70 feet from the windows.
I took a look at the view factor measure but don't really understand it and feel it would be the most difficult to document. Sorry I can't help with that part! After the design review hopefully I can give you some more feedback.