The pre-requisite criteria speaks of having Carbon monoxide monitors installed in each dwelling unit.
However, it is not common for dwelling units in Malaysia/Singapore to have such sensors, the dwelling unit will have electric cookers throughout with no fireplaces with open burning.
Are the CO monitors still a must?
Gurneet Singh
DirectorEnvironmental Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
LEEDuser Expert
19 thumbs up
October 24, 2018 - 1:17 am
Dear Yun,
You are right in saying that CO is produced by kitchen devices that burn fuels. Electrical kitchen appliances do not produce CO under normal circumstances however, in some circumstances such as when burning (browning or blackening) any food, like baking bread or pies in an electric oven or during self clean cycle, CO is emitted. Hence, the requirement of CO monitors.
Ben Graham
1 thumbs up
December 31, 2018 - 4:16 pm
Is this an official USGBC position? Are CO monitors mandatory no matter what?
Christopher Schaffner
CEO & FounderThe Green Engineer
LEEDuser Expert
963 thumbs up
January 2, 2019 - 9:51 am
Carbon monoxide detectors are mandatory in many jurisdictions. It is a prerequisite in LEED, meaning it is mandatory no matter what. CO can arise from many sources, including malfunctioning heating systems, vehicle exhaust being introduced, and improper use of portable heaters or charcoal.
Rodolfo Loro, Jr.
Sustainability CoordinatorecoSolutions
3 thumbs up
October 15, 2020 - 12:47 am
Response from GBCI ragarding CO sensors in Residential building:
All projects are required to install carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with this prerequisite, even if no combustion appliances are installed. Occupants might bring in ventless fireplaces or nonelectric space heaters which can emit CO and monitors will help to keep the occupants safe from exposure.