We submitted a green cleaning policy for a new building on a campus that has an established a green cleaning policy for several years now for all of their buildings. Our LEED Online reviewer has said that we need to complete a LEED-EBOM IEQp3 Prerequisite Form to confirm credit compliance. (IEQp3 is not required for LEED 2009 NC projects normally) I have downloaded the form but it asks for "Performance Period Start and End dates". This makes sense for an already occupied existing building. But how am I to fill this in for a building still in construction? Secondly, the reviewer asks for occupant feedback but obviously this can't be accomplished now. Do we have to wait for a certain period after construction before we can submit on this point after gathering feedback from occupants?
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Susan Walter
HDRLEEDuser Expert
1296 thumbs up
January 3, 2013 - 4:52 pm
Why can't your performance period start after occupancy? Do you have an occupant feedback form developed? You will have to develop the credit's 'infrastructure' and connect with the people at the institution who will implement the green cleaning policy. Then you'll have to give all that to the GBCI reviewer with dates, plan, feedback form, etc. You may even want to have the environmental services manager give you a memo stating they understand and are implementing the policy when they get into the new building. You will also have to promise you will follow up with the GBCI on results.
Gary Harris
Senior AssociateSRG Partnership
6 thumbs up
January 3, 2013 - 6:45 pm
Actually it can, but the reviewer surprisingly did not make that suggestion. So I thought maybe the performance period wasn't required for LEED NC projects. We submitted this as a Design Innovation point as part of our Design points review only. The construction points will come later after the construction is completed. We were just caught off guard by this because we submitted this exact same Innovation point for a previous building we designed for this campus 2 years ago under LEED v.2.2. This LEED-EBOM IEQp3 Prerequisite Form was not required then. The college is not going to change their already established green housekeeping policies, so we submitted this point early unaware that this was coming back as a requirement. This is something that is normal to LEED-EBOM projects but not LEED NC projects. Anyway, it sounds like we have a lot more work to do and possibly a delay for our final submittal. I would love to get my hands on a sample "feedback form."
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
January 7, 2013 - 10:17 am
Susan, you are much more informed than I on this kind of thing, but it was always my understanding that while you might need to provide much of the documentation of an EBOM credit when you submit for ID on an NC project, the performance period would be waived. So I can certainly understand GBCI seeking confirmation of the policy and how it is written etc., but requiring a performance period does not seem appropriate.
I would just like to learn more on this.
Gary Harris
Senior AssociateSRG Partnership
6 thumbs up
January 8, 2013 - 5:23 pm
I think I found the answer to whether a performance period is required or not for LEED NC projects seeking a Green Housekeeping credit for an Innovation in Design credit. In the GBCI LEED Project Submittal Tips for LEED-NC 2009 - page 27 it states the following. "Be sure the project has documented LEED 2009 EBOM IEQp3 Green Cleaning Policy/IEQc3 Green Cleaning Program. The LEED EBOM Credit Form and all documentation that it requires must be provided (the performance period is not relevant)." Thanks to those who weighed in on this question.