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CI-2009 IEQc3.2: Construction IAQ Management Plan—Before Occupancy
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Is it possible for the flush-out start date to vary by ventilation zone?
Do non-regularly occupied areas such as bathrooms and corridors have to be flushed-out?
For LEED NC addition projects, do existing non-renovated areas need to be flushed-out or tested?
For IAQ testing, how many sample points are necessary in non-mechanically ventilated spaces?
Akos Brandecker
Director of SustainabilityLiving Building Consultancy
11 thumbs up
July 22, 2014 - 7:18 am
Hi Brett,
We have successfully used an industrial hygienist who was an employee of the owner on one project. However, I have a feeling the reviewer would argue if the person taking the tests is not a qualified professional.