After reading through the forum I have not found a response that specifically addresses a CS building who's future tenant finishout of office and warehouse space is yet to be designed but has the following characteristics:

Climate Zone 3A, 500K SF, single story, non-res., conditioned space (future warehouse finishout is heated only: Heating Output > 10 Btu/h/ft2) (office is heated and cooled)

The shell building consists of heating only packaged RTUs (gas-fired) which will be used for the future warehouse area finishout as the office future finishout area is 10Btu/h/ft2), but only for the office space (the smaller of the two) and not the warehouse? FYI, this is based on an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 interpretation (#5) found here:
2) Based on confirmation of 1) above, in the warehouse baseline model the cooling component can be modeled as a zero energy contributor to match the proposed model which will only model the gas-fired packaged RTUs?

Thanks in advance for your input!