I am working on a project that has one ventilation system and each of the 6 floors are less than 25,000SF. Going by the reference guide there are three options for number of units needed to be tested:
- 3 units – Based on the first “Calculations for Testing” on page 446. Total SF/25,000 – 59,291/25,000 = 2.37
- 6 units – Based on “Option 4 Air Testing – Step 1” point 3 on page 445. One test per floor if the floor plates are 25,000 or smaller
- 9 units – Based on “Option 4 Air Testing – Step 2” point 1 on page 446. For identical units test 1 in 7 i.e. 3 1BR, 3 2Br, 1 2BR + Den, 2 3BR.
Does anyone know which we are supposed to use?
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