Dear All,
We have a project where 60% of Gross Floor Area will be Complete by the time of certification and 40 % of GFA will be incomplete at time of certification. My question is how can we document Thermal comfort and interior lighting credits for Core and shell (incomplete) spaces for the project.
Thank you in Advance.
Summer Minchew
Managing PartnerEcoimpact Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
170 thumbs up
June 3, 2021 - 4:16 pm
Reference the LEED BD+C Reference Guide Overview section for Incomplete Spaces.
"For incomplete spaces in projects using a rating system other than LEED BD+C: Core and Shell, the project team must provide supplemental documentation.
For prerequisites with established baselines (e.g., WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use, EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance) and the credits dependent on the calculations in the prerequisites, the proposed design must be equivalent to the baseline for the incomplete spaces. Project teams that wish to claim environmental performance or benefit beyond the baseline for incomplete spaces should refer to the Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement section."
Kara Strong
Project DirectorSustainable Design Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
31 thumbs up
June 3, 2021 - 4:22 pm
Please take a look at LI 10102. It explains that you need to provide a Letter of Commitment and possibly Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines, depending on the overall project details.