Dear all,
I have project very complicated, this project is New Construction but this project is mix-use, project have 4 part:
- Basement (6 basement - for parking in major, supermarket and some technical room): total GFA is 49,408 sqm
- Podium (9 floors - for F&B, Retail in mainly and some conference room with office along): total GFA is 47,917 sqm
- Office Tower (36 floors - core and shell office): total GFA is 43,874 sqm
- Residential Tower (41 floors): total GFA is 55,390 sqm
I going to LEED v4 New Construction but what type I should be using since this project also have Retail, Core and Shell and Residential (each type mostly accounting for 30% percent of total GFA)
Pls advise, many thanks for all support!
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