We have a hotel project with VRF systems serving the guest rooms. I am struggling with coming up with a way to simulate less than 100% occupancy rate in the hotel guest rooms. I am using HAP and all zones in the terminal system use the same schedule and they all can be either ON or OFF at the same time. A the moment I have all of the rooms ON/occupied mode/ all of the time and the VRF systems see all of the connected terminal zone units as 100% of the time in occupied mode. We have automatic door key interlock to turn off the a/c units when the room is not occupied and I don't find a way to simulate certain percentage of the rooms being in unoccupied mode. There are quite a few studies indicating that hotels typically have no more than 70 to 80 % occupancy rate. For this project it is especially important to simulate less than 100% occupancy rate because the VRF system has good efficiency in partial load. Would it be acceptable if I leave the thermostat schedule ON/occupied mode/ all the time and simulate the system efficiency as IEER which I understan is similar to the IPLV and NPLV for chilles? Should we present it as exceptional calculation method or narrative would be enough?