On May, 26 I was listening to webinar regarding Richardsville NEZ school presented by Joanie Hendricks, Public Relations Coordinator from Warren County PS, Tim Murley Superintendent WCPS, Kenny Stanfield, AIA, Architect, Sherman Carter & Barnhart.
On page 39 of slide presentation they mentioned that "The HVAC uses heat sensors to determine how many people are in the room and can adjust the temperature for minimal usage."
Anybody knows what kind of sensor controls (manufacturer, brand) for HVAC are used in this school?
Thank you
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5912 thumbs up
July 26, 2011 - 1:44 pm
I note that the list of presenters does not include a mechanical engineer so the quote could be a bit confused (no offense to the architects and school personnel out there :-) ).
Am not familiar with that school but the "heat" sensor is probably an infrared sensor(s) (like the ones which turn the lights off). Also likely the sensors control air flow and/or outside air if the space is unoccupied not temperature directly. To detect the number of people in the space a CO2 sensor is typically used to control outside air flow (also called demand controlled ventilation).
Maybe this is a new technology I am not familiar with and if so I would also love to hear more.