For controls in perimeter offices or perimeter nondensely occupied specialty use spaces, it says ‘a separate thermal control for each space paired with an occupant-sensing or CO2-sensing device is necessary. Perimeter spaces have both envelope loads and internal loads, and the HVAC system would respond minimally to changes in space occupancy without additional controls.’

We have a project and the base building VAV cannot be linked up with motion sensor nor CO2 sensor, we think of another way in  doing this is the ‘booster fan’ concept. This concept is not touching the VAV system but adding another fan linked up with CO2 sensor. If CO2 ppm higher than preset value, indoor air will be extracted from room to open office. More air will be drawn inside the room hence less CO2 level in room.

Is it the appropriate way we can do for perimeter offices or perimeter nondensely occupied specialty use spaces? And does this method meet the credit requirement?