is estimated max load reported in HAP boiler input data for baseline case same to that of total heating capacity reported in Table 1.4 HVAC (water side) for baseline???.
In one of the project Est max load reported in HAP is around 900 tons (B/L) but Table 1.4 (water side) indicate 900 MBH(B/L) capacity for boiler. Is it correct?
I am not sure but i think this is correct, since HAP indicates estimated max load rather than capacity. Is there any way to find out 900 MBH capacity in HAP input/output report or by other mean?
Anthony Hardman
Building Performance AnalystThe Green Engineer
16 thumbs up
January 11, 2013 - 11:18 am
I'm not that familiar with HAP but I'd suggest asking your software vendor. They're usually pretty responsive. That's why you pay for it!