Dear All,
Regarding LEED V4 – Group approach, I would like to clarify If may I use the group approach for the following:
- Project with 1 supermarket and several residential towers all connected through an underground car parking. The construction will occurred at the same time and will have the same project management. All buildings will be evaluated with the same rating system (New construction);
- Project with 1 supermarket and several residential towers all connected through an underground car parking. The construction will occurred at the same time and will have the same project management. The rating system applicable will be:
- New construction - Core & Shell for supermarket;
- New construction – Full fit-out for residential towers.
Can this 2 situations will be evaluated using the group approach?
Thanks in advance,
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
November 13, 2017 - 12:08 pm
Typically Group projects apply to projects of similar size and scope, and the same rating system. So, the residential towers could be registered as a group if they are similar, but the supoermarket needs to be a separate project.