I understand that Greenguard Children & Schools Certified is equivalent to CA 1350 (therefore qualifying for this credit) but has "regular" Greenguard certification caught up to CA1350. I am confused by the following post on the Greenguard website:
Does GREENGUARD Certification meet the California Section 01350 materials emissions specification?
The answer is yes. GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certified products meet and exceed these requirements. The California Section 01350 specification was originally written on behalf of the California Sustainable Building Task Force for the design and construction of the state’s Capitol Area East End Complex in 2002 to 2003. Material testing for VOCs was a key element of this specification, requiring materials to meet exposure limits for VOCs with chronic reference exposure level (CREL) values. The material testing methodology and criteria became known as the “Standard Practice.” GREENGUARD product handling, testing and analysis procedures have been harmonized with California Section 01350. In addition, any product certified within the GREENGUARD Children & Schools Program meets health-based criteria including one-half of the CRELs. All GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certified products meet these requirements and are recognized as suitable for use in Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) projects or any other building program recognizing California Section 01350.
Hernando Miranda
OwnerSoltierra LLC
344 thumbs up
September 19, 2012 - 7:29 pm
01350 is not static. Here is a good site describing the history.
Make sure you are comparing current requirements when claims are made regarding compliance. Always double check.
I never accept product claims such as, meets California 01350, meets LEED VOC requirements, meets FloorScore, and similar because the claim is not specific about the requirement that is meet.
I have found FSC and FloorScore claims where the actual certifications expired before the products were purchased. LEED VOC requirements have changed over the years, as have formaldehyde limits.
Josh Jacobs
Technical Information & Public Affairs ManagerUL Environment
515 thumbs up
September 20, 2012 - 4:01 pm
If a product has only GREENGUARD Certification it does not show qualification to CA 01350, GREENGUARD Children & Schools is the certification programs that proves compliance.