Just received comments back on a project and was surprised at the number of issues with our Green Cleaning Policy. This is a template I have used without any comments/issues in the past. Comments I received this time around:
1. The policy does not specify a responsible party. Provide a revised policy that specifies an individual or team who is accountable for the implementation of the Green Cleaning Policy. At a minimum, include the name of the individual(s) or job title(s) responsible for overseeing the policy.
2. Quantitative goals and performance metrics must be established for each applicable aspect of the policy, in particular for cleaning products and equipment. Provide a revised policy that includes quantitative goals and performance metrics for cleaning products and equipment. As an example, a goal could be set for a specific percentage of cleaning product purchases (by cost).
3. The policy does not include sufficient information on the established guidelines surrounding staffing and training of maintenance personnel. Provide a revised policy that addresses the requirements for staffing and training of maintenance personnel appropriate to the needs of the building. Provide specific information regarding the training of maintenance personnel in the hazards of use, disposal, and recycling of cleaning chemicals, dispensing equipment, and packaging, including the subjects and frequency of the training sessions.
4. The policy does not include standard operating procedures that specifically address cleaning to protect vulnerable building occupants. Provide a revised policy that includes standard cleaning procedures to protect vulnerable building occupants. These procedures may identify likely occupants who are disproportionately affected by cleaning practices and propose methods to minimize impacts on these groups. These methods may include adjustments to cleaning procedures, frequencies, or timing.
5. The policy does not address guidelines regarding the safe handling and storage of cleaning chemicals. Provide a revised policy that includes guidelines for safe handling and storage of cleaning chemicals used in the building, including a plan for managing hazardous spills or mishandling incidents.
The first item is an easy fix, but the rest bother me for different reasons.
I have never been asked for quantitative goals and am unsure what thresholds to shoot for. I also can’t really think of anything other than cleaning products this would apply to.
Item 3 I can work with the owner to write, but have never had to deal with this so am not even sure what specific requirements they are looking to address?
Not even sure where to start with items 4 & 5.
Has anyone run into these before? Thoughts?