In a LEED v3 project a manufacturer is supplying information that his carpet is complying with AgBB 2015. For LEED v4 this would be sufficient (as far as I know newer standards are accepted). If I read the LEED v3 requirements strictly the manufacturer would need to prove compliance with the "Standard Practice..." but may use the AgBB measurements (3 and 7 day available). So at least in theory GBCI reviewers could reject the documentation.
Personally I think the carpet should be fine if, it is sufficient to achieve LEED v4 credit it should comply with LEED v3 as well.
Does anyone have experiences, tips or warnings?
NB: we would not want to use the full version 4 credit to replace version 3 IEQc4, as all documentation so far and all reporting processes are built around version 3.
Thanks, Jens
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