This is in regards to the requirements 6 and 7.
6 - No more than 20% of the street frontage includes garage or service bay openings. Alley access is used instead, if available.
7 - At-grade crossings with driveways account for no more than 10% (or 20 feet, whichever is greater) of the length of sidewalks that are adjacent to streets within the project.
For this particular project, the building has 3 surrounding streets within the LEED Boundary. Along two of the three streets there are no garages or service bays, but along the third side (that has no main entry into the building) there is a loading dock and a parking garage entrance.
I just wanted to clarify that the 20% is for street frontage (building length) and the 10% is for the crossings at driveways (sidewalk length). At first I was sure that those numbers would be the same and therefore would both have to be 10% or less to qualify, but I want to make sure that the 10% is a lower percentage because it is accounting for the sidewalk outstretching the length of the building. Does anyone else have insight on this?
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