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Lyle Axelarris
Boston Architectural CollegeApril 3, 2024 - 6:29 pm
See my comments below (sorry, used the wrong account)
Lyle Axelarris
Boston Architectural CollegeApril 3, 2024 - 7:13 pm
See my comments below (sorry, used the wrong account)
Lyle Axelarris
Building Enclosure ConsultantBPL Enclosure
64 thumbs up
April 3, 2024 - 7:21 pm
Minimum Energy Efficiency - "Comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2019 with addendum cr." Does this mean ONLY addendum cr, or all addenda issues prior to, and inclusive of, addendum cr?
It seems odd to not include all ASHRAE addenda, as we are required to comply with all LEED Reference Guide addenda. There are corrections and improvements alway being made, specifically addendum av (thermal bridging) is a critical update to ASHRAE 90.1-2019
Lyle Axelarris
Building Enclosure ConsultantBPL Enclosure
64 thumbs up
April 3, 2024 - 7:21 pm
Enhanced Commissioning Option 1 is listed as 1-2 points. But under Option 1, Path 2 (BECx) is shown as 1-4 points. Is BECx worth 2 points or 4 points? Why is it a range - what determines if you get 1 point or 2 (or 4) points?
Ed Simpson
Commissioning ProviderTESTCOMM, LLC
3 thumbs up
April 4, 2024 - 11:24 am
Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning
Fundamental commissioning requirements for the CFR and Colntinuing O&M plan- Note that recent reviews have kicked back the point if the manual and CFR is not written exactly as shown in the description, or if the TOC is not detailed exactly as shown in the prerequisite description. Local energy code may require different format that includes essentially the same information and project specifications often dictate information contained in the documents. It is absurd that two separate documents need to be produced to conform to LEED format. Recommend that language be added that if the information contained in the TOC or submitted manuals (additional documentation supporting special circumstances) is substantially compliant, that the points be awarded.
James Lee
6 thumbs up
April 22, 2024 - 12:30 am
EA Credit: Renewable Energy
Option 1. Renewable supply or procurement
The sentence, "A maximum of four points are awarded as the sum of points documented for Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 in Table 1 based on the percentage of total annual base building site energy use, where base building energy use is defined as the greater of the estimated site energy consumption from base building energy meters or 25% of the total predicted building energy use", is somewhat confusing. Is it possible to define the bold, italicized terms and offer an example to illustrate how the point system works?
Mark Terpstra
6 thumbs up
April 29, 2024 - 9:45 pm
Enhanced and Ongoing Commissioning && Reduce Peak Thermal Loads
The air leakage testing is required for Enhanced Commissinoing for Building Enclosure and it under Reduce Peak Thermal Loads under Option 1. Infiltration and balanced ventilation.
Is it meant to appear in two credits?
Mark Terpstra
6 thumbs up
April 29, 2024 - 9:48 pm
Will there be any guidance on the Energy Performance credits from LEED v4/v4.1 to LEED v5. Alberta Infrastructure's Technical Design Requirements have a requirement for new-build schools and offices to achieve 12 points under Optimize Energy Performance under LEED v4.1. Under Option 2. Energy Simulation, what would that equate two?
Mark Terpstra
6 thumbs up
May 9, 2024 - 6:05 pm
Operational Carbon Projection and Decarbonization Plan - Option 2
This is going to become empty promises as LEED consultant will copy and past from the last project. Should there not be design requirements to demonstrate the owner's commitment.
Chris Mackey
Co-FounderLadybug Tools LLC
1 thumbs up
May 18, 2024 - 3:47 pm
I really appreciate these credits and, in my opinion, they represent a move in the right direction. I just know that there is one potential ambiguity that people will almost certainly need clarification on and you may want to include language about it in the standard. When the credit says the equipment “must have a combined weighted average COP of at least 2”, it’s unclear exactly how the weighting is calculated. Initially, I thought it was weighted by heating load but I realized that you could also mean weighted by floor area served. Also, if it is weighted by load, it’s particularly unclear whether it is weighted by peak heating load or by annual average heating load. The two methods can give you drastically different weighting. Some clarification here will go a long way towards smoothing out implementation and enforcement of these credits.
Jodie Thill
Sustainable Design SpecialistFlad Architects
1 thumbs up
May 24, 2024 - 1:15 pm
Will elevators need to be included in the project overall (Division 14) as they are included in credits as conveyance systems are included in Plug, Process, Regrigeration and Conveyance Equipment criteria?
Mark Terpstra
6 thumbs up
June 24, 2024 - 11:59 am
Is a zEPI ACP planned for LEED v5? It would be good to have a reference like a zEPI score that shows a clear comparision with the energy targets.