In the fine print of this credit under the table for adding solar reflectance and thermal emissivity it lists a very recent standard "ASTM/CRRC S-100-2021" which is based on ASTM C1371. It took me a while to find the standard searching under the CRRC. Then after searching for products that might meet this criteria, I could find none that meet ASTM/CRRC S-100-2021, nor just CRRC S-100 (older version).  But I did find products that met ASTM C1371 for thermal emissivity.  I also found products that met the ASTM E903 for solar reflectance, but may not have met the (20) version of the standard.  Have others found products that meet the (current versions) of these standards?  Has anyone else had trouble with finding compliant products?  If so, could you please share?  thanks.