Hello there
What does this mean :
Ensure that no credit is taken in the proposed case for lighting reduction on tradable surfaces"
Does this mean if the LPD for facade lighting for a designed building is lower/more efficient than the stated max LPD in ASHRAE i,e 2.2 W/m sq, this lower value cannot contribute to the LEED points collected under this credit
Hoping this can be explained too:
additional lighting power allowance cannot be claimed in the baseline model for surfaces which are not provided with lighting in the actual design
Thanks and look forward
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
February 13, 2012 - 9:35 am
I believe that first statement should read "non-tradable". So yes no savings can be claimed for non-tradeable lighting. Basically your non-tradable wattage must be identical in the Proposed and Baseline models.
Make sure that the lit areas in both cases are identical. If a corner of a parking lot is not actually lit in the design it cannot be included in the baseline.