One review comments that i have received about E&Ap2 prerequisite is:
2. No exterior lighting power has been modeled for the Baseline or Proposed Case. Confirm that no exterior lighting is included in the building site or revise the models to reflect exterior lighting. Verify that the Proposed Case exterior lighting reflects the actual building design and the Baseline Case reflects the allowed lighting power from Section 9. Ensure that no credit is taken in the Proposed Case for lighting reductions on non#tradable surfaces; additional lighting power allowance cannot be claimed in the Baseline Case for surfaces that are not provided with lighting in the actual design and lighting fixtures cannot be double-counted for different exterior surfaces. Report the tradable and non#tradable surface lighting power separately (in units of Watts or Kilowatts) for both the Baseline and Proposed Case in Supplemental Table 1.4. Update the model and results to reflect exterior lighting if included in the model and is consistent with SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction.
I´m updating the Section 1.4 with new version (Jan 2014), and I have a problem with this excell (Secction 1.4):
When i input the Total Exterior Lighting Power Modeled (Watts), similar to Total Exterior Lighting Power Calculated (Watts), this cells are coloured red.
I don´t understand the reason to happen it.
Do I have to include these Kw (exterior lighting) in my Baseline and Proposed models?? Or no.
Thanks in advanced
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
October 7, 2014 - 12:31 pm
It is likely red because it does not match the value calculated by the form. The form adds the 5% unrestricted allowance.
Yes you must include exterior lighting in the models. Note that exterior lighting is a mandatory provision so you must comply with the requirements.
Green Building Energy ConsultantGreen Living Projects
2 thumbs up
October 7, 2014 - 12:46 pm
My surprise is that the values are the same.
If I match the valou 0, the cells are green.
These are tradable surfaces
Green Building Energy ConsultantGreen Living Projects
2 thumbs up
October 8, 2014 - 6:24 am
I've found the error.
It is an error of excell (Section 1.4)
Must impute all decimal upper cells.
I hope that they resolve this cuestion.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
October 9, 2014 - 7:37 pm
Here is a response from Tyler in our office who actually authored the spreadsheet.
Yeah I’ve noticed that one too, but it’s not really an error so much as an imperfect formula. It is set up so that the cell turns red if the modeled exterior lighting power does not equal the calculated allowance, but does not account for rounding. So if the allowance is actually 49.99 (which gets displayed as 50) and you enter 50, it will turn red.