Could someone please clarify where exterior hardscape spaces that are covered by the building roof should be counted? I had placed them in the 'hardscape' square footage number in PI f2 as opposed to the building footprint number, however since the hardscape number transfers over to SS 7.1, it hurts our calculation there.

For example - a 1 story building has a footprint of 20,000 sf and roof overhangs totaling 5,000 sf, resulting in a total roof area of 25,000 sf. This sits in a LEED project boundary of 50,000 sf. The entire site is hardscape with SRI values exceeding 29 (including the covered areas under the roof overhangs), resulting in a total hardscape number entered in PI f2 of 30,000 sf. So when you get to SSc7.1, it seems that you should be able to claim exemplary performance since 100% of your site hardscape has an SRI of 29 or greater (30,000sf), however the numbers entered give you a calculation of 25,000sf out of 30,000sf instead since there does not seem to be anywhere to place hardscape areas covered by roofs.

Thank you.