Hi, I have modelled a project following Appendix G. I received review regarding HVAC system baseline type selection.

The project is a mayor renovations + Additions (existing conditioned warehouse + New office building attached).

First Question. The existing HVAC was modelled identical in Baseline and proposed since there were no changes. Is this right?
The review says "Existing mechanical systems should not be model in the baseline". I'am a bit puzzled.

Second. The new office building addition is heated fully with electric reheat coils. The existing warehouse is heated by gas boiler and hot water reheat coil. I modelled existing bit identical in proposed and baseline. For the baseline of the new addition I modelled system 6, since its all electrical heating. The review says the baseline is 5 because there is a boiler heating. Boiler is in the existing part. Again, I understand, not very sure I agree. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.