Looking for some group input both on the sustainability 'value' and insight in to suitability for exemplary performance for an idea being kicked around.

We have an airport facility project that can readily meet the SS c4,2 requirements with the addition of a small bike rack (i.e. low FTE's and sufficient showers are being included for other purposes). However, the Owner feels it is unlikely that the racks will ever be used due to 'culture' and location. None of the staff currently bike to work and charter passengers would not be expected to bike to and form the airport for travel. The Owner is not interested in 'buying' LEED points and does see including a bike rack as justified - which is good on one hand of not 'buying points' - but on the other hand it is a missed opportunity to encourage biking culture, which needs to start somewhere.

There's been an 'outside the box' suggestion to not only to provide the rack but also provide bikes for use, not necessarily for transportation to and from the facility but rather as an amenity for the facility users. One of the main purposes of the facility is a lay-over location for pilots. The project includes a pilot fitness area, resting rooms and recreation lounges, adding a bike program would allow users to get out of the building and bike the nearby area.

Does this sound like a worthwhile pursuit from a sustainability perceptive and would such a program merit consideration for an Exemplary Credit pt?

Looking for your thoughts. Thanks