Hi all,
I'm working on a project outside of the US, therefore I am using the international version of the WaterSense Water Budget Tool downloaded from the USGBC website.
In order to calculate the watering demand for the site, I need to input monthly rainfall (mm) and monthly ETo(mm).
I calculated the first one by averaging out the daily values of rainfall using a set of 10 years data (that is what I have available from the weather station). For the Monthly ETo I have downloaded the calculator from the website below: http://www.fao.org/land-water/databases-and-software/eto-calculator/en/ but I cannot find anywhere in the manual a reference on the type of data that are required for performing the ETo calculation. One option of the data input is the average temperature and wind speed. Also I would like to know how many years of data are required for the input data, both for the Monthly Rainfall and the Monthly ETo.
Jens Apel
134 thumbs up
April 9, 2019 - 2:18 am
Some years ago I was using http://wcatlas.iwmi.org/Default.asp to directly obtain ET0 values for a location in Switzerland. I am not sure where the data comes from, but is was in line with other data from Switzerland and was accepted by the reviewers.