We have a Hotel project which will be constructed on a mountain with the whole site having a slope towards west. The 8 storied building is flush with the mountain such that only one or two sides are having exposure to ambient conditions, remaining sides are flush with the mountain.

Now, since the building is located on a sloped terrain, what types of methods are suitable for ESC? The site area is approx 80000 m2 with a building footprint of approx 15000 m2. Do I need to consider the erosion of bare site area (the site areas except the footprint and hardscape/landscape will not be disturbed during construction) and implement measures to control erosion in those areas?

Currently the BMPs planned are Fabric fencing, water sprinkling, dedicated areas for washing tools etc..My question is how to control the erosion due to stormwater on this sloped site?

Thanks in advance..