Hello, I've only completed the ventilation spreadsheet a few times and have a few questions. Thanks!
The project has an Energy Recovery Unit which feeds multiple ducted fan coil units within the project space. My question is, would I enter the ERV as a multiple zone or 100% OA system on the ventilation spreadsheet? Or do I need to enter each of the nine fan coil units as a "system?" I am confused because the fan coil units are just the distribution for the rooftop ERV and I am unsure how to report on the spreadsheet.
Thanks so much!
Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
March 26, 2018 - 1:33 pm
I would treat each fan coil as its own system with an OA duct attached. As far as ventilation calculations go, it really doesn't make a difference that it is conditioned.
Courtney Royal
Sr. Sustainability ConsultantTaitem Engineering
50 thumbs up
March 28, 2018 - 11:36 am
ok, thank you Andrew! How should I handle exhaust only spaces? Restrooms, server room, etc. in the spreadsheet?
Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
March 28, 2018 - 2:40 pm
For exhaust driven spaces, they will not be included in the spreadsheet. You will need to provide a narrative including space and types that are not in there and why. I usually also include spaces like shafts, chases and hoist ways in order to demonstrate why the calculated square footage is different than the building GSF. It is not something I think we should have to do, but unfortunately, we almost always need to do it.
Jalal Avades
PresidentAGR Consulting, LLC
16 thumbs up
June 11, 2018 - 6:25 pm
Hi Andrew,
Does the discharge from the ERV needs to physically connected to the fan coil(s) return plenum; or OA is discharging to above the ceiling close by the fan coil return opening is sufficient?
Gustavo De las Heras Izquierdo
LEED Expert185 thumbs up
June 11, 2018 - 6:38 pm
Hi Jalai, we have placed the discharge close to the fan coil in many projects and we have never had this prerequisite denied for this reason. As far as I know, this is a common practice permitted by ASHRAE 62.1.