Our project serves > 100 meals a day, therefore, Table 3 commercial kitchen equipment applies.
Of the Table 3 listed equipment, our project only has (1) of these pieces of equipment (Food Steamer). The Food Steamer meets the outlined requirements. We don't have a Dishwasher, Combination Oven, or Food Waste Disposer, those items are N/A for our project. Can we still earn this point since we only have (1) of the kitchen equipment listed in Table 3?
Conversely, if a project serves >100 meals a day, but has (0) of the (4) Table 3 pieces of equipment, would this point be able to be earned, or does a project have to have at least (1) applicable piece of equipment installed from Table 3 to be eligible?
Thank you.
Suzanne Painter-Supplee, LEED AP+ID&C
PrincipalSEESolutions LLC
126 thumbs up
November 16, 2016 - 9:38 pm
The credit has two components-reducing "all" water use including regulated AND if there are these appliances in Table 3, they have to meet/exceed the standard. In foodservice you will also have pre-rinse sprays and hand sinks, and most likely an ice machine. You'd have a 3- compartment sink but its faucet wouldn't count as it is for fill. It's a typical location for the prerinse spray. What about the ice machine? To get to the point - earning percentages, which have to be earned, if you have a cuber, consider a nugget if the client isn't serving alcohol. They use about 1/3 less water. So it would seem to me that if you earn the percentages, you'd earn the credit with only the one appliance. Only NC Schools require more appliances (4.) Hope that helps.