Hello LEED Pros,

I have a letter and an EPD from a manufacturer, and I want to confirm the letters validity regarding how each seperate product counts as 1 product point under the EPD, towards achieving 20+ product points to achieve the Option 1 credit.

The letter for C-F steel products, states that each product (each type of stud, different length) counts as (1) point towards the 20+ points needed to achieve this credit.

Therefore, Stud 1 at 1", Stud 2 at 2", and stud 3 at 3", will collectively = 3 product points under this EPD, towards the 20+ product points needed to achieve this credit.

They give the example of carpet (which I get) and state, 'Therefore, because they (studs) are used for different wall heights, thicknesses and applications, the each stud products can count as one point, towards the 20+ qualifying products needed under the EPD.'

Thank you for your feedback!

- AP