Hello everybody, I have a question regarding the necessity for EPD concerning aluminium profile or aluminium system to a LEED project.
Regading aluminium systems (eg aluminium window), which one of the following is preffered and offers more points to the rating of the building?
1. EPD for aluminium profile and separately EPD for the specific glass which will be installed, ignoring the existence of rubber, PVC etc
-> I think this procedure is more accurate since aluminium and glass count for the largest part of the window as well as the biggest product environmental impact.
2. EPD for the whole aluminium system (including aluminium, rubber, PVC etc and an indicative glass, which however is not defined clearly on the EPD and thus the glass may be different than the glass which will be installed at the project)
-> I think this way is approximate
Thank you very much!
Michelle Bombeck
Associate PrincipalO'Brien360
36 thumbs up
March 12, 2024 - 11:43 am
Hi Mary - As long as the EPDs were created following all the correct ISO standards, either is a fine approach and really depends on how the manufacturer produces the product and decides to formulate thier EPD strategy. However, as for which path is more "valuable" to the project, it depends on the types of EPDs - If the individual component approach under #1 results in a couple Industry-wide EPDs, worth 0.5 product each, you may end up with less contribution than if the #2 approach provides a Product-specific Type III Independently Verified EPD, worth 1.5 products. So as is usual - it depends - but neither is an incorrect approach as long as your EPDs conform to the appropriate ISO standards.