We are working on a big project, we are the LEED subcontractor (consultant) of the general contractor (All trades),
The owner gave all LEED responsibilities to the general contractor, so to design a CxA, they offered to us to provide this service, and we want to know: are we considered as a member of the execution team? knowing that we validate (check, confirm) the conformity of products and systems (datasheets), but we did not do the static and even dynamic commissioning.
not a member of the construction team
are we eligible to do the fundamental Cx?
Same question for enhanced Cx
Thank you
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
535 thumbs up
June 25, 2019 - 9:12 am
LEED Interpretation 10244 may help in your situation:
Dan Forino
Regional DirectorHorizon Engineering Associates
58 thumbs up
June 25, 2019 - 1:44 pm
We have successfully served as the CxA in a similar scenario based on the contractual requirements for a project. At a minimum though you have to make sure you can justify your direct line responsibility to the Owner if called into question. A letter (affidavit) from the Owner accepting this relationship and adknowledging the situation would probably be a good place to start to make sure you are outlining the relationship.
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
August 11, 2019 - 5:49 pm
It also comes down to qualifications, have you done this before for a similar project. Performance testing is almost always done by the contractors (who still own the systems) but the methodology and process are designed and observed by the CxA. That is the part that you have to experience and expertise in performing.