Dear All,
Can we achieve the enhance indoor air quality strategies point by using 100% fresh air unit without using filtration media in large working halls.
please reply me as soon as possible.
Sajjad Hussain
(HVAC Engineer)
Forum discussion
NC-v4 EQc1: Enhanced indoor air quality strategies
Dear All,
Can we achieve the enhance indoor air quality strategies point by using 100% fresh air unit without using filtration media in large working halls.
please reply me as soon as possible.
Sajjad Hussain
(HVAC Engineer)
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Ben Stanley
Senior Sustainability ManagerWSP - Built Ecology
LEEDuser Expert
250 thumbs up
January 15, 2018 - 3:51 pm
Hi Sajjad,
You may be able to pursue Option 2 of the credit. But, filtration is required per ASHRAE 62.1-2010 and thereby EQp1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance in a couple of circumstances. The first is that filters or air cleaners having a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of not less than 6 shall be provided upstream of all cooling coils or other devices with wetted surfaces through which air is supplied to an occupiable space per section 5.8 of the standard.
Also, if the project is located in a non-attainment area for PM2.5, the project must have MERV 11 or higher filters.