Hi all
Heads up that Energy Star's Portfolio Manager website will be completely unavailable from midnight June 26 through July 10!! The downtime is due to Energy Star launching a new Portfolio Manager tool, and it's not completely clear at this point how much your Energy Star score might change. It's a good idea to save PDFs of your Statement of Energy Performance and site/source Energy Use Intensities, just as an insurance policy. You can read FAQ's about the upgrade here: http://portfoliomanager.supportportal.com/link/portal/23002/23010/Articl...
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 31, 2013 - 11:25 am
Has anyone seen changes to their scores since the new platform was launched? And how is the new platform working?
Julia Weatherby
PresidentWeatherby Design & Co. Engineers
94 thumbs up
July 31, 2013 - 11:30 am
No changes to scores on my Portfolio Manager buildings. Platform seems to be working fine so far, if maybe a bit slow. I had to re-enter some of my contact info, but that was about it.
Jenny Carney
Vice PresidentWSP
LEEDuser Expert
657 thumbs up
August 6, 2013 - 12:12 pm
We've seen scores move in all directions, or stay the same. There was also at least one terrifying instance involving a hotel where inputs that affect the score were overridden with bizzaro default numbers, which led to a large score drop that wasn't so bad after the correct values were re-input.
One client with a large portfolio across the US saw scores drop on average by about 3 points over about 100 properties, with some extreme changes including large jumps (up 39 points) and large decreases (down 13 points). Energy Star responded to an inquiry that they did not expect the adjustments they made with weather normalization and site to source ratios to have such a dramatic effect, so they are investigating.
Aside from the weather normalization and site to source adjustments, there were adjustments on the back end that would affect buildings with enclosed parking areas.
If you've seen a wild score change, I'd recommend checking your inputs to see if they have been overridden, and then getting in touch with Energy Star as a next step if necessary.