I am working on cl commercial project , when we resisted to the leed certificate we didn't have any energy star equipment's in our building , but to achieve more points we decided to replace our equipment's like laptops , printers and pc's , the question :
in the online form there are table required from me to fill it with energy star and non energy star equipment , should i fill it with energy star equipment only that i bought it in this case because they are new equipment i bought it after i registered to the leed certificate ?????????
another question :
what is the documentation should i provide it with the leed online form to achieve minimum energy performance and this credit ?? is the sheet for laptop and printer is enough ??????
another question : i took the rated power for our laptops in the company , i read it on nameplate about 90 watt , and 450 watt for printer , is that okay right or wrong ??? and for desk computer should i enter the case and monitor together or i entered them separately ????
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