Dear All:-
How to do energy modeling for LEED CI
In LEED CI the energy saving is compared for Space heating and Cooling only,
1.Am I Correct
2.Can we consider different Building envelope for Both cases ( Base case - ASHRAE Construction Envelope depend upon Climatic zone and actual Building envelope for design case
3.Can we consider different Interior Lighting power for Both cases ( Base case - ASHRAE allowable LPD based on space or building type and actual Lighting power for design case
4.We have very efficient 5 star rated Computers and scanners so can we take a conventional 3 star rated computers and scanners for base case because all other Commercial stores are used 3 star rated products only due to that we have quantified energy saving in space cooling compared to other stores
Because we have best Construction envelope and efficient lighting & Equipment's (PC & Scanners) so can we take these advantage in space heating and cooling
Please advice how to model the Lighting, Equipment and construction envelope
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
August 16, 2016 - 11:37 am
The cost savings for this credit are determined for heating and cooling only. You do model all energy use and there can be differences in the models for energy end uses other than HVAC. Some of those end uses will influence the HVAC energy use but their savings do not count toward credit achievement directly. You basically create the two models as usual and then just compare the HVAC cost savings to determine credit achievement.
The specific method to use when creating the models is fully explained in the Reference guide.
There is an alternate modeling method outlined in LEED Interpretation 10412 that replaces EAc1.1 to 1.4.
SAMY Chamy
EnginneerT&T Green
12 thumbs up
August 18, 2016 - 7:32 am
Dear All:-
In our LEED CI project the project include Ventilation and A/c Spaces
as per LEED compliance the fan not interlocked with HVAC system is modeled identically such as Ventilation and Exhaust fans, Ceiling fans Evaporative coolers
So please clarify the below issues
1.Can we model A/C space only in Energy simulation (A/C Indoor and Outdoor unit and fans interlocked with HVAC System)
2.Can we Include the Ventilation space in Energy modeling
3.How the fans not interlocked with HVAC systems are modeled
B)Not included in ECB cost saving calculation
Additionally please clarify can we take a advantage of Lighting, Construction, Equipment in HVAC End use not in Lighting and Equipment
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
August 19, 2016 - 11:19 am
1. I would think so since this only covers conditioned space and the unconditioned space would not influence the heating/cooling energy use.
2. You could.
3. Identically.
4. You model the lighting differently in both models and the savings would influence heating/cooling energy use but you can't claim the lighting savings toward the percent needed for heating/cooling. Equipment is usually modeled identically.
SAMY Chamy
EnginneerT&T Green
12 thumbs up
August 22, 2016 - 3:09 am
Dear Marcus:-
Thanks for your reply
I agree with lighting saving calculations
But why we need to model our Energy star rated machines identically can we model our equipment in below conditions
1.Basecase - Conventional equipment (Equipment used in similar facility with same capacity)
2.Design case - Actual Equipment (Energy star rated Equipment)
Note:-we just take the savings would influence in heating/cooling due to these equipment not the endues of these equipment
Additionally some ventilation fans are located in Unconditioned spaces can we exclude the energy cost of those fans in HVAC cost because these kind of fans are considered as process load and modeled Identically in LEED NC.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
August 22, 2016 - 9:10 am
You can model the equipment with some savings and have it influence HVAC the same as lighting. I said it is usually identical, not always.
I would think those fan that are process would not be included in HVAC cost.