I realize that EAc Advanced Energy Metering is not listed in the v4 credits that you are allowed to use on v2009 projects but has anyone had any success utilizing the v4 metering language of "install ... metering equipment for any individual energy end uses that represent 10% or more of total annual consumption of the building" on a v2009 project? I have a circumstance where I'm working on two spec buildings on parallel schedules for a client where one is attempting v4 and the other is on v2009. The v4 project has a very limited electrical metering strategy because of the 10% language and the same electrical sub assumed that the same would be true for the v2009 project. In writing the M+V plan for the v2009 project our team is requesting meters to meet the IPMVP requirements, but none of the end uses separately represent more than 10% of the anticipated total building energy usage as per the energy model. I understand v4 deviates from the IPMVP standard, but I'm just curious if anyone had any success with a similar approach.