Hi Guys!
We just received our preliminary review comments for a LEED O+M v2009. We provided a graph with the major end use consumptions such as: lighting, plug loads, heating, cooling and ventilation for the whole building. We did report the energy consumptions for the tenants as a bulk, since they do not have any submetering to separate lighting from HVAC and plug loads. However, the reviewer is requesting "The category "Tenants" must be broken down further into major end uses."
I don't think that the pre-requisite requires submetering for each system. Has anyone had a similar comment or any ideas on how we could reply to this comment?
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
540 thumbs up
May 9, 2018 - 8:16 am
Hello Grabriela,
You are correct, the prerequisite does not require submetering.
The standard referenced by this credit states "perform a rough estimate to determine the approximate breakdown of energy use for significant end-use categories, including weather and non-weather related uses". The standard also notes "a preliminary energy use breakdown by major end uses" is required.
Without seeing your energy breakdown I am guessing that you listed "Tenants" as an energy use end category. I'd recommend removing this energy end use from your breakdown and reassign the associated energy end use into the already listed end uses (e.g. lights, cooling, plug loads, etc.).
The level of analysis needed at this stage of the energy audit is "Rough Analysis"....your breakdown does not require submetering, trend monitoring, energy modeling, or detailed engineering calculations.
Good Luck!
Gabriela Crespo
BECxP, CxA+BE, LEED AP BD+C, O+MRevitaliza Consultores
21 thumbs up
May 9, 2018 - 11:28 am
Thank you David!
This helps a lot! We'll reassign the energy consumptions and let you guys know what happens!