I have receieved a test report from an accredited testing laboratory. The test results are compared to the relevant requirements in Emicode EC1plus and the material passes. The test report also shows that the product passes the limit of formaldehyde BUT the referenced testing standard is ISO 16000-9 NOT AgBB. Would this test report be sufficient evidence?
When you have a material that has a certificate from M1, Emicode etc. Do you always need proof of which testing standard was used?
Thank you! Have a great day.
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
November 13, 2020 - 12:31 pm
Our experience has been that any certificate submitted needs to cite the reference standards used for that particular Credit, in order to be accepted. If your product was tested according to a different reference standard, you could try submitting it, with the description of the test itself, and how it is similar (or different).
Generally, we have found that the v4 and v4.1 reviews have been very strict on projects submitting the correct certifications.
Hanna Oberg
Sustainability consultantWSP Sverige
December 7, 2020 - 12:59 am
Thank you for your reply Deborah! Do you know why they need to show a reference standard? For example doesn't M1 always test accordig to the standad ISO16000?
Muhammad Mahasneh
ASAP8 thumbs up
December 7, 2020 - 9:35 am
When submitting materials with one of the certificates included in this table https://www.usgbc.org/resources/low-emitting-materials-third-party-certification-table, we have never provided additional documentation addressing the particular testing standard as, per our interpretation, is implied (and so far the reviewers have accepted them).
For materials with test reports that make a comparison with the requirements of a certain certification level (e.g. EC1plus, M1,...), without the actual certification, the reference to a standard is required to prove that such a comparison is indeed possible and that the material would presumably achieve that level if submitted for certification.