Hi all,

we are working on a LEED EBOM project for a university building near Helsinki, Finland.

At the moment we are struggling to fulfill the requirements of EAp2. After entering all data into the Portfolio Manager it became clear that our performance is not good enough to meet the prerequisite (weather normalized source EUI of 145.0).

After talking to a staff member of Energy Star and after reading through documents on the methodology of Portfolio Manager we are quite confused. EAp2 requires comparing the energy performance to the national average whereas Portfolio Manager compares it to U.S. buildings. So what sense does that make for international facilities? The CBECS which is the basis for mostly all benchmarks in Portfolio Manager didn’t include any international facilities and as the staff member of Energy Star explained our project building is compared to U.S. buildings of that type and how they would operate under Finnish weather conditions.

Did anyone of you have similar problems? Or did anyone use a local benchmark instead of Portfolio Manager?

P.S. our project building is only 2 years old, no energy-intensive spaces, all computers are Energy-Star labeled and by comparing our energy consumption to 4 other universities in Finland, our performance was in all cases better.

I’m grateful for any hints or tips.
