Our client chose Option 2 on the PIf1 and the form has been approved. They have decided to pursue the 1 point available in EAc5 for choosing Option 1 in PIf1. Is it acceptable to update PIf1 with their new choice and submit it again in construction review along with EAc5?
The project has not installed whole project water meter(s) and cannot comply with MPR 6. Therefore, the project is exempt from the MPR 6 requirement to provide USGBC with water usage data. The project is a large regional user of domestic water, which it purchases from the City for its entire property, tenants, and users. An agreement is
in place with the utility provider which precludes the use of sub metering of water and therefore, prohibits the installation of any individual water meter to monitor the project's water usage. Would any of this preclude the project from achieving 1 point for EAc5 Option 3?