Working on a core & shell project that is planning to install a PV system sized to offset 1% of total building energy cost. Per the ACP calculation for EAc1, this 1% will be derated by the percent of building cost that is Owner-controlled. (see So in this case, the 1% system will only be worth 0.46% for EAc1. My question is whether for EAc2 (Renewable Energy), this system is only worth 0.46% as well, which means we don't meet the 1% / 4-point threshold.

The ACP documentation only mentions EAc1, and does not mention EAc2. However, the documentation says: "* If the project includes site-generated renewable energy and is following this Alternative Compliance Path, the LEED form [EAp2] should show the site-generated renewable energy cost as equal to the total site-generated renewable energy cost x the Percent of Energy Cost Influenced or Directly Controlled by CS Owner/Developer". Since EAc2 is linked to EAp2, then the lower PV value will show up in the EAc2 Form. Thoughts?