The current scope within this prerequisite only includes the B6 module emissions from operational emissions and ignores B1, B7 and C1 emissions which are attribuatable to operations. That is, refrigerants, water and wastewater-related GHG emissions are not included in the prereq language. Part of USGBC's mission and goal of the LEED rating system is market transformation and that should include highlighting all emissions during all phases of a building's life. We can debate the methodology and relative impacts, but many users remain ignorant of their design decisions and whole segments of operational emissions. 

For this prerequisite I would bridge it with the refrgierant management by asking the project team to assess any existing refrigerant inventories and new ones to be added and assess their lifetime emissions per ASHRAE Standard 240P or CIBSE TM65 for North America or CIBSE TM65 for UK. Then I would ask how they plan to deal with reducing it by 2050 (your specificed target year).

The name of the prerequisite is also a bit off and should be rethought. The two paths: Electrification & Decarbonization are the far too overlapping and actaully don't force the design team to review upstream electrical grid emissions or district energy emissions or refrigerant leakage emissions, which I am suggesting be added. We want to strive towards zero emissions buildings. I would rename the paths "Plan for..." or "Design for..." Zero Emissions by 2050.