According to the calculation showed at document WATER USE REDUCTION - ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE v011209, the average flow rate is defined by:

[(Male full-flush uses/day×full-flush rate)+(Female full-flush uses/day×full-flush rate)+(Female low-flush uses/day×low-flush rate)]/(male and female total uses/day)=1.2 gallons

Our project was 205 FTE (45% female and 55% male) and 25 transients (57% female and 43% male), so the average of FTE would be:

Option 1 - [(1×1.6)+(1×1.6)+(2×0.8)]/4=1.2 gallons
Option 2 - [(112,75×1.6)+(92,25×1.6)+(92,25×0.8)]/297,25=1.35 gallons

Does anyone was already made this calculation?
With options is the right one?