I have some doubts related with this credit in a specific project with the following characteristics:

- The majority of the site area collect run-off water to one lake installed on-site, and also to a storage tank ;

- The lake is connected to the municipal drainage system, to ensure that whenever full, the excess water is drained off-site. Also, the lake has the capacity to be totally discharged 24 hours after the storm events.

- The lake is used to feed the irrigation system and also the WC flushes.

- The remaining areas, drain directly to the municipal drainage system.

In order to achieve compliance, please tell me if the following procedure is correct:
1) Determine the rainfall event associated with the percentile 90, and considering the total area, calculate the total amount of water that falls over the site;
2) Consider that the water that infiltrates in the vegetated areas (around 90%) and the water that is reused for irrigation and WC flushes have an average TSS removal of 100%. Now, how shall I calculate the amount of reused water? The problem is that all this calculations are made on a daily basis, but the water can be reused on different days... what's the best way of solving this?
3) Consider that the water run-off from the areas that do not collect water to the tank is all drained out of site, without any kind of treatment;
4) Consider that, if there remains any water in the tank and lake, it have an average TSS removal of 80%.

Thanks in advance.