This is maybe an obvious question but our projects are located in Austria. Therefore most of our documents are in German.
Can we sumit any documents in german or do we have to tranlate them into english?
If we are able to sumit them in german - are there any restrictions we have to look out for?
Or do we need any type of special registration?
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
November 2, 2018 - 10:44 am
Hi Ardit, you should provide site and floor plans labeled in English as part of your general project documentation. Aside from that, you would just need to translate relevant portions of the German documents. So for example, for construction waste management, make sure the parts of your waste management plan addressing the credit requirements (responsible party, waste streams, recycling goals, etc) are in English. This does not have to be formal, it can be just a markup on the original document.
Susann Geithner
PrincipalEmerald Built Environments
1297 thumbs up
November 8, 2018 - 2:58 pm
Hallo Ardit,
I'm German and have submitted many German language projects.
Start with making sure your file names are in English and very clear about the content. On drawings legends for translation are usually great to provided necessary translation. Other documents should translate sections relevant for the credit. Sometimes you will be asked to translate more during reviews. But it's more likely that you might have some miss understanding because of misinterpretation of a translation.
Feel free to reach out in German, if you have more questions.