Hello All,

In our Project we are installing a Water Treatment Plant where we are collecting grey water from sinks as well as capturing rain water and treating them and using them in the flushing of toilets in the building. The total daily capacity of the plant is 50 m³ i.e. 13.2 kGal.

I have gone through the Water Use Addition Reduction Guide and I am aware that these calculations should be used in the Alternative Compliance Path but I cannot understand how will we make the actual calculation. When I check leedonline forms for WEc1 and WEc3 I cannot find a place where I can subtract the adjusted total fixture water use annual volume performance case from Total calculated fixture water use annual volume baseline case. Where can I subtract the quantity of non-potable water use for flush fixtures? How can I do this calculation and where do I fill it in the leedonline form?

Pleas advice.