This is what is listed in the addenda for the WEc4, Process water use reduction, post date is 7/19/2010:
"Under Implementation WEc4 Process Water Use Reduction:
In the beginning of the first line of the first paragraph, insert the text
"With the exception of prerinse spray valves”

We are using 4 diff equipment types, water usage in our equipment types is less than the base line case and the one category that is other, the water reduction is more than 20%. One of the equipment category is "prerinse spray valves". We are constantly getting the error that the documentation is not complete, is it 'cause the spray valves cannot be included (which is close to what I think the above addnda text states)? We dont know what we are doing wrong. We have uploaded cutsheets for all, still seems like we are not meeting the requirement.

I also changed the %age reduction to 20% for all equipment, just to see if that will help. But it doesnt.

Thank you!!