I have been trying to find time to take the LEED AP exam but other projects that I'm a part of have been taking up my time that it makes it difficult to study now. However, my colleague who is part of the same LEED project that I'm in is LEED accredited but hasn't been that involved in the project as I have. He was originally in charged of the LEED project but was to busy and tasked me to work on it. He has helped me with some of the credits and credit comments here and there, but the project manager wants the project to be filed ASAP before the client gets too impatient. Would it still alright to submit this credit under his name? Would he have to upload his certificate or can I just click his name on the drop list in the LEED Online form for this credit and mark as "Ready for Review"?
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
June 3, 2020 - 9:57 am
Edgar, it should be you... take the exam ASAP. You can do it!
That said if you want to put down your colleague as the "principal participant," there is not a lot of guidance from USGBC on where that line gets drawn. If you think it's the right call, find his name in LEED Online.
Edgar Arevalo
Associate19 thumbs up
June 3, 2020 - 10:47 am
Once my energy projects are taken care of I can finally breath a bit to study for the LEED AP. Believe me, this is top prioiriy for me since this will give me a leg up in my office.
My colleague is already registered on this project on LEED Online along with me, he just didn't put as much into the credits cause he was tied up with other projects, so I took care of that ever since. Honestly, if it wasn't because of the timing since the client wants things submitted ASAP, and i had not a lot on my plate already, i couldve studied enough now, take it, and then submit that credit with my credientials. But I thank you for your response, Tristan.
Also, if I do go along with putting my colleague down for this credit, does he have to upload his certificate? And also, is held liable for any extra obligations or responsibilties on this project if he is considered "principal participant"?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
June 3, 2020 - 1:03 pm
It's "a" principal participant. The responsibility would be those already held by the LEED AP as part of the project. Nothing added.
Is his credential current with GBCI? Should just be able to connect to tha via LEED Online.
Good luck, I know you'll get the credential soon!